Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Signs of Spring

Spring has finally come to the East Coast!

Beautiful flowers......

Trees in bloom.......

Son cutting the grass.....

I love Springtime!


Kelsey said...

ME TOO! love it!

Mikki said...

Our weather has been so weird here. This past weekend we were in the high 80's, then boom, now we're only in the 70's this week.. though I'm not complaining, it's great to have a 'spring' in Florida.

Are your kids like mine yet - every time I take the camera out I hear
" Here comes another blog entry"..LOL

My girls even have their own blogs and my youngest princess is just as bad as me.
Have your kids started any yet?

Check theirs out: (youngest princess) (oldest princess)

Kathi Roach said...

The kids are funny. They WANT to be in the blog. They are always checking to see if they're in it. Maybe that will change in the future.

I'll have to check the girls blogs out. :)